Alexander Technique Introductory Workshop

Thursday, 3rd October 2019, 7.00-8.30 pm or
Saturday, 16th November 2019, 10.30-12.00 noon

The Alexander Technique is about moving, sitting, standing more easily and freely in everyday life. Frequently we are using much more tension and effort than necessary in many day-to-day activities, and many people end up with aches and pain, for example back pain. The Alexander Technique is a very different approach, yet ultimately very simple. It is not a treatment, there are no exercises nor do you need any special equipment. We are retraining how we are using ourselves – our body and mind – in everyday activities. In this short workshop we will introduce some fundamental principles of the Technique via some practical demonstrations; we will look at some basic movements, and you will learn about a different way of sitting which is better for your back.


Jean Fischer, assisted by Regina Stratil
Language: predominantly English

Fees and booking
Fee: €20 (per person and date)
Booking: (Tel.: 0316/319468)
Max. 5 participants


Thursday, 3rd October 2019, 7.00-8.30 pm or
Saturday, 16th November 2019, 10.30-12.00 noon
(same workshop on two different dates)

Alexander-Technik Studio Graz
Harrachgasse 4/2 (1. OG rechts)
8010 Graz

VHS course “Alexander-Technik Einführungskurs”

This Autumn (from 9th October) Regina is again offering an introduction to the Alexander Technique at VHS Graz. This is a ten week introductory group course, which will run (if there are enough enrolments) on Wednesdays from 6:00-6:50pm in the new VHS building in Köflacher Gasse 7, 8020 Graz. Everybody welcome!
More information and how to book at the VHS website.

In Spring 2020 the course is scheduled to be repeated, starting 12th February 2020.


Mezzo soprano J’Nai Bridges uses the Alexander Technique



In the San Francisco Classical Voice Mezzo J’Nai Bridges talks about the varied demands on an Opera singer for a role like Carmen. “I knew that this role was a vocal marathon, but I did not quite anticipate how much of a physical marathon it is as well.” She says in this production “I am bending down, rolling on the floor, being pushed, and dancing — all to be very conscious of, because the voice is affected by these movements.” Bridges credits the Alexander Technique for “improved posture and movement, which is believed to have helped reduce and prevent problems caused by bad habits. This also tremendously helps me sing with less tension.”

Read the full article here.

Wellness Program for musicians







The physical and mental demands on professional musicians are similar to those of athletes. But this is rarely acknowledged. Musicians frequently turn to the Alexander Technique to adapt and cope with these demands.

This article reports on the University of Colorado’s Musicians’ Wellness Program which has been running since 2003, using the Alexander Technique.

KUNC news station online.


Alexander Technique Introductory Workshop

Saturday, 22nd June 2019, 10.30-12.00 noon

The Alexander Technique is about moving, sitting, standing more easily and freely in everyday life. Frequently we are using much more tension and effort than necessary in many day-to-day activities, and many people end up with aches and pain, for example backpain. The Alexander Technique is a very different approach, yet ultimately very simple. It is not a treatment, there are no exercises nor do you need any special equipment. We are retraining how we are using ourselves – our body and mind – in everyday activities. In this short workshop we will introduce some fundamental principles of the Technique via some practical demonstrations; we will look at some basic movements, and you will learn about a different way of sitting which is better for your back.

Jean Fischer and Regina Stratil

Fees and booking
Fee: €20 (per person and date)
Booking: (Tel.: 0316/319468)
Max. 5 participants



Saturday, 22nd June 2019, 10.30 am – 12.00 noon

Alexander-Technik Studio Graz
Harrachgasse 4/2 (1. OG rechts)
8010 Graz

Article in ‘Lust aufs Leben’










The March issue of the magazine Lust aufs Leben has published a lovely, three-page illustrated article which gives a short introduction to the Alexander Technique. The article can also be accessed in the online version of the magazine.

If you are interested in a practical introduction to the Alexander Technique, then you are welcome to book for one of our introductory workshops in Graz, our next dates are 6th or 27th April. Of course you can start anytime with individual lessons.

If you are in Vienna on 27th April you could attend the free open day of the Gesellschaft für F. M. Alexander-Technik Österreich (G.A.T.OE.).


Alexander Technique Introductory Workshop

Thursday, 7th March 2019, 7.00-8.30 pm or
Saturday, 27th April 2019, 10.30-12.00 noon

The Alexander Technique is about moving, sitting, standing more easily and freely in everyday life. Frequently we are using much more tension and effort than necessary in many day-to-day activities, and many people end up with aches and pain, for example backpain. The Alexander Technique is a very different approach, yet ultimately very simple. It is not a treatment, there are no exercises nor do you need any special equipment. We are retraining how we are using ourselves – our body and mind – in everyday activities. In this short workshop we will introduce some fundamental principles of the Technique via some practical demonstrations; we will look at some basic movements, and you will learn about a different way of sitting which is better for your back.

Jean Fischer, assisted by Regina Stratil
Language: predominantly English

Fees and booking
Fee: €20 (per person and date)
Booking: (Tel.: 0316/319468)
Max. 5 participants


Thursday, 7th March 2019, 7.00-8.30 pm or
Saturday, 27th April 2019, 10.30-12.00 noon
(same workshop on two different dates)

Alexander-Technik Studio Graz
Harrachgasse 4/2 (1. OG rechts)
8010 Graz