

Individual lessons can be booked at any time, and wishes and suggestions regarding Workshops and courses are welcome!


Workshops and Courses 2025

Introductory course Alexander Technique

4 consecutive evenings in March/April 2025
Details to come


Open Day/Workshop Back Health Day

Back health with the Alexander Technique

Open Day/introductory workshop in German, everybody welcome.

Our back health is influenced by many factors. The basis for the well-being of the back lies in the many everyday and constantly recurring demands such as sitting, standing, walking, etc., which either continuously strengthen the back in a beneficial way or continuously strain it in a harmful way. With the Alexander Technique, we can learn to deal with the everyday demands on the back in a way that is beneficial to our back health.

One cause of back pain can be harmful patterns of movement and posture that we have acquired over the years and that we unconsciously continue to practise, for example in our daily sitting. These patterns are habitual and can restrict our coordination, mobility and enjoyment of movement, or even cause pain. We often use more tension and effort than necessary in our everyday activities, and therefore may suffer from avoidable strain and pain – or are well on the way to doing so.

In this Open Day event I would like to begin to open participants’ eyes to such patterns and awaken their curiosity about how they can take more responsibility for their own patterns. In Alexander Technique lessons we learn (usually in a series of individual lessons) to recognise our postures, movements and reactions to the stresses and strains of everyday life and, if necessary, how to change them. Over time, we can develop a smoother interplay of the entire musculoskeletal system and increase our self-efficacy. The Alexander Technique is not a treatment, but something you learn to apply yourself. You don’t need any special equipment and there are no exercises – everyday life is the exercise!

In the workshop, we will get to know some basic principles of the Technique in theory and practice. We will look at everyday movements and, above all, get to know a way of sitting that is beneficial for your back health. Participants will be offered to book one follow-up individual lesson for half-price (€25 instead of €50).

With: Regina Stratil
How much: free Open Day event, please register until Thursday 13 March at or 0664/2525874
When: Saturday, 15 March 2025, 11:00-12:00
Where: Alexander-Technik Studio Graz, Harrachgasse 4 (1. OG rechts), 8010 Graz
Min. 3 – max. 6 participants.
Workshop in German.
Limited places – please register until Thursday 13 March at or 0664/2525874



Workshops and courses 2024

Non-Doing Workshop (German)

In this workshop we will allow for some rest together, reflect about non-doing and get to know the Alexander-Technique lying-down practice, which is about conscious non-doing. Beyond the pressure to self-optimise and focus on results, we allow ourselves to fundamentally slow down, for the duration of the workshop, and not have to achieve anything. We come back to ourselves in the good company of like-minded people.

Virginia Woolf wrote in A Room of One’s Own:

No need to hurry. No need to sparkle. No need to be anybody but oneself.

We will start by exchanging thoughts on non-doing, pausing, refraining, slowing-down, . . . You are warmly invited to also share quotes or texts which inspire you. Then I’ll guide you through an Alexander Technique practice of non-doing while lying-down which you can continue (non-)doing at home. I’ll introduce you to the Alexander Technique approach to non-doing as a basis for action and a sustainable use of oneself. We round off the workshop with a cup of hot, flavoursome punch or tea, which stimulates our senses and strengthens us for our return to everyday life.

Please bring a Yogamat, blanket and warm socks!

With: Regina Stratil
How much: €20
When: Tuesday, 17 December, 5:30–7pm
Where: Harrachgasse 4 (1. OG rechts), 8010 Graz
Booking: online via Eventbrite
or by email: , phone: 0664/2525874
Min. 3 – max. 6 participants.
Workshop in German.


Workshops Employees Cultural Sector Slovenia

The Amadeus Chamber Music Society organises Alexander Technique workshops for employees in the cultural sector. The workshops are funded by the Ministry of Culture, places for participants are limited. Classes are held in English. The workshops consist of group sessions and two 30-minute individual lessons per participant.

With: Jean Fischer und Regina Stratil
When: 18 – 20 October 2024
Where: Slovene National Theatre Maribor
Information and Booking:

With: Jean Fischer und Regina Stratil
When: 1 and 2 June 2024
Where: Maribor
Information and Booking:


Workshop Back Health Day

Back health with the Alexander Technique
Introductory workshop in German, everybody welcome.

Our back health is influenced by many factors. The basis for the well-being of the back lies in the many everyday and constantly recurring demands such as sitting, standing, walking, etc., which either continuously strengthen the back in a beneficial way or continuously strain it in a harmful way. With the Alexander Technique, we can learn to deal with the everyday demands on the back in a way that is beneficial to our back health.

One cause of back pain can be harmful patterns of movement and posture that we have acquired over the years and that we unconsciously continue to practise, for example in our daily sitting. These patterns are habitual and can restrict our coordination, mobility and enjoyment of movement, or even cause pain. We often use more tension and effort than necessary in our everyday activities, and therefore may suffer from avoidable strain and pain – or are well on the way to doing so.

In the workshop, I would like to begin to open participants’ eyes to such patterns and awaken their curiosity about how they can take more responsibility for their own patterns. In Alexander Technique lessons we learn (usually in a series of individual lessons) to recognise our postures, movements and reactions to the stresses and strains of everyday life and, if necessary, how to change them. Over time, we can develop a smoother interplay of the entire musculoskeletal system and increase our self-efficacy. The Alexander Technique is not a treatment, but something you learn to apply yourself. You don’t need any special equipment and there are no exercises – everyday life is the exercise!

In this workshop, we will get to know some basic principles of the Technique in theory and practice. We will look at everyday movements and, above all, get to know a way of sitting that is beneficial for your back health.

With: Regina Stratil
How much: €20
When: Friday, 15 March 2024, 18:30 – 20:00pm
Where: Alexander-Technik Studio Graz, Harrachgasse 4 (1. OG rechts), 8010 Graz
Min. 3 – max. 6 participants.
Workshop in German.
Booking: Eventbrite
Für Fragen oder zur telefonischen Anmeldung bei Regina Stratil:


Workshops for Musicians

The Alexander Technique is ideal for performers and has a long history of being part of the curricula in music colleges.
This introductory group workshop will give participants an overview and experience of the Alexander Technique. We will introduce some fundamental principles of the Technique via practical activities and look at ways of moving with ease and efficiency.
The workshop lasts 1.5 hours (with 3–6 participants) and is taught by two teachers, Jean and Regina.

Lead teacher: Jean Fischer
How much: €25
When: Friday, 8 March 2024, 19:00 – 20:30pm
Where: Alexander-Technik Studio Graz, Harrachgasse 4 (1. OG rechts), 8010 Graz
Minimum 3 and maximum 6 participants.
Workshop in English.
Booking has ended!

Lead teacher: Jean Fischer
How much: €25
When: Saturday, 16 March 2024, 10:00 – 11:30am
Where: Alexander-Technik Studio Graz, Harrachgasse 4 (1. OG rechts), 8010 Graz
Minimum 3 and maximum 6 participants.
Workshop in English.
Booking has ended!

Lead teacher: Regina Stratil
How much: €25
When: Friday, 5 April 2024, 19:00 – 20:30am
Where: Alexander-Technik Studio Graz, Harrachgasse 4 (1. OG rechts), 8010 Graz
Minimum 3 and maximum 6 participants.
Workshop in German.
Booking has ended!

Lead teacher: Jean Fischer
How much: €25
When: Saturday, 6 April 2024, 10:00 – 11:30am
Where: Alexander-Technik Studio Graz, Harrachgasse 4 (1. OG rechts), 8010 Graz
Minimum 3 and maximum 6 participants.
Workshop in English.
Booking has ended!